Thursday, June 22, 2017

Week 1

Week 1 has been an adventure.  Actually, it's felt like vacation. Lucas is testing his boundaries and I'm showing him who's boss. This has caused some big fights, but I went from part time mom to full time mom so I knew it would happen.

Monday- my mom (will be referred to as Baboo from here on out) came over and we took the kids to the neighborhood pool. It's so much more relaxing when I have some one to help me keep an eye on the kids. We stayed for a couple of hours and then the kids took a 2 glorious hour nap. So did I..... :-D Sleep when the baby sleeps, right?!? Does it matter that my baby is 3?

Tuesday- My sister came down with 2 of her 3 kids to go to Conner Prairie. I haven't been there since I went to a field trip back in like elementary school. So just a couple of years... The kids have gone with Grammy (Chris' mom) many times so they were showing me all around. They had a blast playing with their cousins and that gave Katie and I a chance to catch up. Plus she gave me some tips as she's been a SAHM for years!

Wednesday- My best friend Erin came over with her 2 girls. The kids helped me make brownies, played in the back yard with squirt guns and the water table. It was so relaxing...well except for the part where Lucas was testing his boundaries again. She has also been a SAHM for a few years.

Thursday- Baboo took Alexis for the day so Lucas and I got to hang out. He was back to his normal sweet boy self. I loved it! We went grocery shopping and then to the pool. He's getting so comfortable in the water. The sky got cloudy so we decided to head home. Jokes on us, it was a perfect day. Lucas is really into Pokemon so we went to Target so he could use some of his own money to buy a new pack. He asked me to take him to the "binder store" so that he could get another one. How cute is he with the binder store.

Friday-I have no idea yet. It's supposed to be cloudy. This will be a true test of my patience. We have lots of ideas, Children's museum, movies, bowling, but I think this first time we might stay close to home. I have some work books so the kids can work on those. We'll see.

Next week we'll be off an adventure to visit my work. Yes, I realize it's my old work, but I'm not ready to call it that. It has been a time of grieving. I miss my friends at work! I had to put a little bit of distance between myself and the office. I don't want it to seem like I'm bored or ready to  come back. :-)

Until later,


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